Last week, we talked about the Tomato Chili Project on our Facebook page. The project was spearheaded by five companies. Olivier Breda, architect at Dzerostudio Architectes, which designed the greenhouse, explains how the project came about: “I was looking at the Tivoli construction site skips next door to Greenbizz when I realised how little construction waste is recycled. I got the idea of creating a circular economy project based on the recovery and recycling of this type of waste. I spoke about it to other entrepreneurs at Greenbizz and synergies began to appear: Home Perspective, could recover a large number of windows from work sites, Plant Design has expertise in all things related to plants, Réconfort + is an eco-construction and professional integration company, and Visuality could translate all of these ideas into visuals: the Tomato Chili Project was born!” 

The greenhouse is modular and can be disassembled and reused. The prototype in our collective garden was built using windows recovered from Home Perspective work sites and wood recovered with the help of the contractor from the Tivoli work site “Chantier Pilote de Gestion des Déchets”.

The prototype was presented on Wednesday March 29th at the launch of the Innovation Paper (Circular construction) of the BBRI, but the project doesn’t stop there. The team wants to commercialise the project according to the principles of the functional economy. The greenhouse is an integrated solution of services focused on use: the greenhouse is put at the disposal of the user who also enjoys services of support, maintenance and coaching regarding greenhouse cultivation to help him grow his own fruit and vegetables. Thus, the user only needs to sow, germinate and harvest the fruit of his labour.

The future greenhouses will be built with a professional integration unit and using short supply chains because Brussels (who would have believed it?) has many construction and demolition sites.

Please come take a look at the prototype if you happen to be passing by!

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