WeSmart is an open platform solution for managing your company’s energy use. WeSmart’s mission is to engage people in smart energy, providing suggestions and green solutions to users in order to control their energy consumption efficiently.

WeSmart accompanies customers all along the project, providing support, data analysis and innovative solutions for energy savings. They help to collect all real-time data and provide with data analysis, visualization and smart solutions for creating an energy efficient environment.

They bring innovative technologies ensuring a simpler and greener life their customers.


The installation of the technology is provided by connecting directly to existing meters and by Installing sub-meters capable of sending data to the Internet

WeSmart is addressed to Offices/Incubators, Hotels, Retails, Factories, Utilities, Service companies, Research centers/universities, shoping centers and to all people concerned for the future of our environmentt. and offer different products such as WeSmart Box, Web Server and WeSmart Platform.



