Over recent days, the gentle scent of coffee has been hanging over the Greenbizz workshops. For good reason! Quentin Castel, the founder of Mamé Noka, has been roasting his first coffee beans with care.

These come from Brazil, Nicaragua and Tanzania, while future production will come from countries located along the equator according to the harvesting season. Each source is carefully selected according to strict traceability requirements. Importantly, for the young entrepreneur, consumers can be sure of the exact origin of his products, how they are harvested and how they are transported to Europe. He prefers to emphasise the product’s quality and to ensure that the transaction has a beneficial local economic impact for the producer. “Trade Not Aid” is his motto.

Eventually, Quentin has ambitions to develop a community of consumers interested in his coffee.

This community, a combination of both individuals and restaurateurs, could take part in the selection of the coffee beans, imported on the basis of criteria of origins, taste and price. In this way, one could imagine, a group buying coffee direct from the producers. A short cut from a long distance…

Want to know more? https://blog.mamenoka.coffee/